Programming is what I would consider my greatest and most technical skill. My primary role throughout my major of Game Design was working as a programmer on projects; my minor for my degree was Computer Science, helping me learn a few other programming languages and understand programming a deeper level; and lastly I have been certified as a data analyst through an extra class to certify my knowledge. The programming languages I know ordered in most to least proficient: C#, Java, C++, Javascript, Python.

Cid’s Helper Bot is a bot I made for my own personal use on the discord platform. It’s programmed in C# using the D# Library named after a character from my Dungeons and Dragons campaign named Cid. It’s primary purpose is to automatically change the roles that users have to their different characters for separate groups within the large campaign. Additionally other tools such as the ability to look up various characters with a brief description of their appearance and personalities exist for the players to use to help remember aspects of the campaign. The github repository is located here:

While my programming work on Disaster Golf was smaller compared to my work with VFX on it, I helped designed and program the controls for the game. I created tools to allow full freedom of adjustments without locking things into hard programmed with full documentation both internally within the engine and in documents in shared drives to be referenced. Additionally, during the final stretch of the project, I was moved off of sound work and VFX as a “Bug Squasher!” Basically I would actively hunt for bugs and glitches in the project and work on fixing them. Disaster Gofl can be found here:

A company that I was a part of for a long time before it went under before it really took off was SYGO Studios. I worked on a cancelled project called Pirates and Plunders as both a Lead Designer and Lead Programmer. A sample of some of the work I’ve done on the project before it was cancelled can be found here: